CV Writing

Linkedin Profiles

Interview Coaching

Covering Letters
Everything you need to know about CVs in 67 seconds in our video below!
Your next senior role in the hands of an expert.
And not just an expert outplacement consultant, interview coach and CV writer.
But one with many years’ experience on the ‘other side’, recruiting, researching, sifting and assessing candidates for C-Suite, Head of Service and Senior Specialist roles.
And one who cares deeply about clients, will empathise with your position, support you, and take the time and effort needed to give you the best chance of success.
If circumstances have led you to be looking for your next Executive (permanent or interim) or Non-Executive level position, the experience, gravitas and quality of service I offer will be paramount.
Because in today’s world, for many senior level professionals, successfully securing a new role is going to be tough. The market is rich with high quality candidates which means considerable competition.
Add that to the fact you may have not been through an application process for many years and the scale of the challenge is clear.
In the last two decades, a lot has changed in executive level recruitment. Automatic scanning systems for CVs, a heavy reliance on LinkedIn, competency-based interviews; these are additional skills you’ll now need to incorporate into your armoury.
Are your interview skills, CV and LinkedIn profile up to the challenge?
A tough job environment means every application needs to work harder. Your CV needs to sell what you’ve actually done, clearly, powerfully and in a way that matches the criteria. LinkedIn profiles must be coded with the right keywords to ensure you’re found. And your presentation and interview skills must be up to scratch to meet the competencies on which you’ll be assessed.
Finding yourself at an unexpected stage of transition in your career can be daunting, distressing and have an impact on your confidence. I’ve supported countless C-Suite level, Head of Service, Non-Exec and senior ex-Military professionals through difficult times, building their confidence and giving them the best possible chance of a successful application and improved performance at interview.
How can I support you?
Call for an initial consultation on +44 (0) 7551 006599, +44 (0) 20 8265 6684 or contact me by email at david.welsh@richmondsolutions.co.uk
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